SKL Techenonlogies Germany GmbH 是德国轴承生产企业,20世纪50年代在德国勒沃库森成立,产品广泛应用于世界上各一线顶尖制造行业。是高精密机床和加工设备、铁路运输、轧机技术、工业和大型齿轮箱、造纸和塑料加工以及海上技术等多个行业领域配套客户的可靠合作伙伴。
世界的经济格局在21世纪初开始发生重大的改变,2016年,SKL整合资源调整方向成立面向全世界的制造与销售公司,寄目标把德国SKL技术向全球化拓展,先后成立中国分部,东南亚分部,南美分部以及非洲分部,并在上海成立大中华区(上海)技术中心与划拨中心, 致力于为亚洲市场提供本地化、定制化、数字化的解决方案。
SKL WARRIOR满足您每一个未来的想法!
In 1958--In the Leverkusen region of Germany, the company developed and manufactured high-quality rolling bearings under the company name Leverkusen Rolling Bearing Works.
In 1979, produced base slewing bearings and precision bearings for military projects of Thyssenkrupp AG.
In 1982, established the first foreign office in Paris, France.
In 1985, the company headquarters with an area of 1,800 square meters was built.
In 1988, participated in the world’s leading industrial exhibition - Hannover Messe (Hannover Messe) for the first time.
In 1990, held the first SKL International Distributor Conference in Mallorca, Spain.
In 2016, established the global sales company of SKL Technologies Germany GmbH, and opened branches in Shanghai, New York and Rio de Janeiro to conduct global product sales.
In 2019, participated in the China International Import Expo.
In 2022, established transfer centers in Shanghai, China, Asia Cotton, France, and California, USA.